As a part of the Conference,
we are organizing a doctoral student paper competition. Those who are
either currently students
or have recently completed their doctorate (2008 or later) are encouraged to participate in the Competition.
The top three winners will be given cash awards (Rs.
10K, 5K, 3K, respectively) and citations. The competition is sponsored by Dr.
Gaur Hari Singhania Institute of Management and Research Kanpur.
For additional information, please contact:
Dr. Prithvi Yadav
Chairman, Doctoral Student Paper Competition
Director, GHSIMR
Kamla Nagar
Kanpur, 208 005, India
The evaluation committee reserves the right not to give away all the awards if
worthy papers are not received.
Those who wish to compete must
first submit an abstract following the process indicated in the Contributed Paper section and clearly indicate that the paper should be considered for the
Ideally, the paper should be a part of the doctoral dissertation work. The full
paper for the competition should be e-mailed to
prithvi.yadav@ghsimr.org with copy
aims7@aims-international.org by
October 31, 2009.
Winners of Doctoral Paper Competition at AIMS-6
December 28-31,
2008 Indian Business Academy, Greater Noida
First Prize: Dr. Shalini Dixit,
GHS-IMR - Variation in Food Security in West Bengal and Jharkhand: An
Empirical Analysis.
Second Prize: Ms. Rajaletchumie
Senathiraja, University of Madras - External Environment, Corporate
Entrepreneurship and its Outcome in Banks
Third Prize: Mr.
Venkatachalapathi Nynaru, SVUCE,Tirupati - Simulation Regression Analysis
for Consistent Decision for FMS Scheduling
Winners of Doctoral Paper Competition at AIMS-5
December 27-30,
2007 ICFAI Business School Hyderabad
First Prize: Ms. T. M.
Srithika, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras - "Training Interventions, Organisational Learning and
Value Chain Progression"
Second Prize: Mrs.
Shanthilakshmi S, S.V.I.T.M., Coimbatore - "Social Capital among Small and Medium Enterprises"
Third Prize: Mr.
Chandrasekaran R, Jansons School of Business, Coimbatore - "Critical Success Factors of Six Sigma Implementation and
the Impact of Operations Performance"
Third Prize: Ms. Annapoorna
Gopal, Wipro Limited - "Impact of Learning Style and Teaching Methodology on the
Learning Outcome of Engineering Students in India"
Winners of Doctoral Paper Competition at AIMS-4
December 28-31, 2006, IIM Indore
First Prize: Ms. Arshinder
kaur, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi - "A Framework for Evaluation of Supply Chain Coordination using
Contracts and Information Sharing"
Second Prize: Mr. Ashish
Pandey, MDI Gurgaon - "Spiritual Climate of Workplace and its Impact on Customers'
Service Experience"
Third Prize: Mr. Victor
Anand, Pondicherry University - "E-marketing for Small and Medium Tourism Enterprises"