Conference Theme

Corporations, Government, Society and Development: Role of Management Education

Corporations, Government and Society represent three fundamental forces that influence human beings and their aspirations. These forces are represented by Market, State and People and influence the Development of nations in variety of ways. Synergistic interplay of these forces leads to holistic development represented by a new development philosophy of ‘Collective development through collective energy’. Acceptance of the ideas of CSR and Good Governance by Corporations are indicative of new management thinking in terms of ‘Profit with Purpose’. Wealth, Health and Happiness, are emerging as new themes of Development, and corporations, governments and society should strive in that direction through ‘Harmonic Globalization’ by creating proper synergy among the fundamental forces. In this context, Management Education can play a catalyst role by creating enlightened professionals, for corporations, government and NGOs.

The purpose of AIMS-13 is to provide a forum that stimulates discussion on the conference theme and topics related with the theme. The conference will also provide opportunities for networking and collaboration amongst scholars from academia, industry and government. In addition to papers on the conference theme, the scholars are also encouraged to submit papers on any aspect of management and technology such as accounting, marketing, finance, OB, HRM, MIS, quantitative methods, technology management, energy, operations, economics, entrepreneurship, etc.


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