Best Paper Competition


The award selection committee will select the three best papers from those submitted at the conference. The committee, at its discretion, may recommend additional papers for consolation prizes.  


   The award winners will receive a certificate/plaque.


   The award winning papers will be fast tracked for publication in the AIMS International Journal of Management. The committee may choose not to recommend all three awards. Please submit your full paper by November 15, 2015 to the conference general chair. No late submission will be accepted under any circumstances.


Please submit your paper and send your inquiries to:


Frequently Asked Questions:


I have already sent my paper for the conference proceedings. Do I need to send it separately to the Awards Committee in case I want my paper to be considered for an award?

  • NO. All papers received will be automatically considered for an award competition.

Is it necessary for me (or one of my coauthors) to come to the conference and present the paper? Do I need to register for the conference?

  • No. If paper is presented even in absentia at the conference, it can be included for award.

If we get an award, does each coauthor receive a separate certificate?

  • YES.

How about the Plaque?

  • There will be a single plaque along with co-author's names.

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