Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission: An Initiative of Digital Transformation towards Healthcare
Sakshi Narayan, Pallavi Seth, Deepa Shrivastava
Evaluating the Effectiveness of AI Chatbots on Website Performance
Santhosh Balassoupramanien, P.G. Arul Ganapathy
Maturity Evaluation of Teleconsultation Platforms and Solutions in India: Nothing Extraordinary, but Nothing Less!
Ayushi Tandon, Uma Nambiar
Digital Innovation through LGPD Compliance: Transforming Business Models and Infrastructure in Brazilian Companies
Marcelo T. Okano, Suely dos Santos Sousa, Marcelo Eloy Fernandes
Drivers and Barriers to Data Sharing Practices in the New Digital Age – An Exploratory Study
Manjunath B Swarna, Anjula Gurtoo
Effects of Digitization on Society with Reference to Increase Usage of Technology in New Normal of COVID-19 Pandemic
Ruhi Bakhare
Data Breach in the Service Sector: Problems and Solutions
Kishwar Joonas, Ahmed Y. Mahfouz, Antoine Banks, Dinah Murphy, Tiara Johnson, Jasmine Napper, Larry Luellin
Application of Logistic Regression Models in Marketing
Shaili Singh, Aditya Rao
Study of Logistic Regression, RFM and Chaid as Data Mining Segmentation Methods -A Comparative Study
R. Ganesh Kumar, S. Dinesh Kumar, S. Usha, C Lavanya